What is the fastest way of achieving enlightenment?

Jay Matthews replies:

Ramana Maharshi answered this question beautifully.

Achieving enlightenment is like bringing a cow to a barn. The barn is piled with hay, and there’s a lovely meadow out back where she can wander and graze. The cow will be happy there, but if you pick up a stick and try to goad her, you’ll see how fast cows can run. If you take a handful of hay and coax her instead, she will be happy to follow you.

When we think we «should» get enlightened, we try to force ourselves into silent awareness. We brandish a stick and our mind immediately runs the other way.

Enlightenment is peace.

To get there, we must only choose to be there. When we let ourselves experience peace in this moment, we’ll find we like feeling this way. We’ll fall in love with silent awareness.

Soon, we’ll be willing to give up anything that would get in the way.


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