Welcome to my blog «Pearls from the Deep»—writings and aphorisms arising from Stillness.
You will find the latest blog post at the top of the overview below. You can also view these blog posts as just by Elias or as just by other authors.
The Blog Posts
- The sweetness of an open heart
- Are all spiritual teachings for the ego?
- The eye of the «I»
- Play of consciousness
- What is the fastest way of achieving enlightenment?
- The way is the goal
- The «levels» of Realization
- Transformation
- Identification with the «I»
- Oneness
- Everything
- Peace with what is
- Silence
- Silence is the ultimate music
- An Awakened Humanity
- Behind the seeker
- Self-will
- The fire of truth
- In the calm lies the power
- Zero
- You are not your eyes
- Completely effortless
- Held, not healed
- Behind your Anger lies your Power
- Freedom
- «Feel-good spirituality»
- Problems?
- Life…
- Through the pain
- Abide as THIS
- The turbulence of healing
- Indefinable
- What IS (3)
- Nothing
- Happiness
- Lust
- The «future»
- Surrender
- «Incarnation»
- Is there an ego?
- «Christmas wishes»
- Fearlessness
- «The twist»
- Happiness
- To the one who wants to be free
- Consequences
- The Unknown
- Silent, causeless joy
- Shifting «location»
- Depth
- Without words (2)
- Total Relaxation
- Beliefs
- Dance …
- Chaos
- The special occasion
- A new reality
- I don’t know (2)
- «Ascension» to Reality
- Concepts
- Truth is fire …
- THIS — as it appears now
- A significant message for this time
- Love and wisdom
- Calm and at ease
- «The end» (2)
- «The end» (1)
- «You»
- The living dream
- Self-love (2)
- Being alone
- Ups and downs
- Let go and let IT
- When all searching drops …
- Suffering
- True acceptance
- The finding
- Let life happen by itself
- Spiritual development
- Enlightenment (2)
- Duality
- Detachment
- Perception
- The «gate»
- By Itself
- The «Way»
- «Progress»
- Unlearning
- As it is
- Completion
- An inner revolution
- The solution to every problem
- Happy with Nothing
- The ego
- Give This a chance …
- What is reality?
- Zentered
- The Extinction of Craving
- The Real Glow
- Knowledge
- Peace
- Relax
- The «Heat» of Awareness
- The «dark night of the soul»
- Freedom is …
- Achieving enlightenment
- The Starfish – a short story
- This peace
- THIS is extraordinary
- The Purpose of Life
- Release
- Resistances
- Holy men
- I wish you …
- Love (2)
- You know that
- Broken mirror
- What is love? (3)
- What is love? (2)
- Real Peace
- The Secret
- To be Aware
- Letting go
- Enlightenment as it is
- Witnessing
- Love is …
- Thoughts and freedom of choice
- What You Are
- Awakening and «karma»
- Nothing in between
- Acceptance
- The ultimate understanding
- It’s just life
- Noumenal and Phenomenal Enlightenment
- Just the Real
- Nonduality and spirituality
- Just be a little crazy
- A half–full glass of water
- Relax
- «What is»
- Non–identification
- Realization
- The monkey’s dream
- Perfection
- What you are
- Full–automatic
- Pure «Now Feeling»
- «Inner Work»
- Simplicity
- Unavoidable
- That’s just the way IT IS
- There is only This
- Heartfulness
- Just like that
- Perfection
- Awareness
- Nothing but the Self
- What works
- Just flow
- «I don’t know»
- Opposites
- The Non-Duality Club
- «The All-Embracing Mahamudra»
- Consciousness has body
- It works!
- Just This
- Only that …
- Any doubt?
- Being «here»
- To attain what?
- Presence
- What are you?
- Hopelessness
- Einstein and free will …
- Inexperiential and unknowable
- Endless
- Surrendering to the Heart
- An Act of Grace
- Simplified version of the Map of Awakening
- Actual Power
- Break free
- Death is a favour to us
- I can only love you
- One thing
- Freedom of Choice?
- Morpheus in The Matrix
- Here, now!
- Already under
- The Game of Life
- Transcending (Non-)Duality
- Self-awareness
- Stillness in Motion
- Non-dual Consciousness and spirituality
- Enlightenment
- No one
- What I want
- Without words
- Contentment
- Knowledge and Truth
- What is
- Love?
- Meaning
- Thoughts and Seeing
- Only Truth
- Infinite
- Happiness and fear
- When you demand nothing…
- This is love
- What is love? (1)
- Nothing to fear
- Let go and let IT
- Zen
- Be quiet
- Self-love
- Deepening Realization
- Verses of Layman Pang
- The best thing to do
- Meditation is …
- What I am …
- The Winds of Grace
- Just Surrender
- True Surrender
- Being Silent
- Broken Openness
- Nothing but Surrender
- Potentially Christ
- Indescribable
- What could be easier?
- When I am silent …
- I stop thinking …
- Be simple
- At Home Within
- The Movie of Life
- No possibility of control
- The Sea
- Silence is the Teacher
- The thinker is not Who You Are
- Listen
- Never too late
- Wordless Silence
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