Spiritual development
The greatest illusion that one most likely «suffers» is that this (spiritual) «development» thing exists. I experienced that this illusion might be the hardest to get rid of. Because it «seems» that your current «self» is better/smarter/wiser than yourself a few years ago, that yourself a few years ago is better/smarter/wiser than your «self» many years ago. And your current «self» is more capable 1-2 years later and is better/smarter/wiser. So you’re not good enough NOW — if you think about it, there’s still something to bother you about your «self» or your life. But your older «self» is not good enough either, because you were bothered about it. I tell you that your «self» 2 years later won’t be good enough, too, because again there will be something to bother you.
This is how you constantly suffer from the «I’m not good enough» condition. And you can never say that you’re exactly perfect NOW and «I don’t want to change» … Because you’re afraid that if you didn’t want to change, you’d stay like that forever.
And the continuation of this is that I have to «improve» in this «stressful» state. And it’s never worth the state of self-love because there is always something to improve …
Well, this needs to stop. That you don’t need to change, that you DO NOT HAVE TO DEVELOP! You are just as good as you are.
And — since there is no time either ? — this is the illusion that you can change … But no. It’s a bit more complicated than this, but I created the Alchemical presentation series to explain things like this. How to master and bring about the «EVERYTHING IS WELL AS IT IS» state. To accept yourself without wanting to change — because if you want to change, you are not good enough — that’s what you tell yourself.
NO LEVELS! There is no spiritual growth. I’m very happy to show you why there is none ?
Kiss Balázs Kunó CsillagMag (via Facebook, translated from Hungarian)
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