Death is a favour to us
Death is a favour to us,
But our scales have lost their balance.
The impermanence of the body
Should give us great clarity,
Deepening the wonder in our senses and eyes
Of this mysterious existence we share
And are surely just travelling through.
If I were in the Tavern tonight
Hafiz would call for drinks
And as the Master poured, I would be reminded
That all I know of life and myself is that
We are just a midair flight of golden wine
Between His Pitcher and His Cup.
If I were in the Tavern tonight,
I would buy freely for everyone in this world
Because our marriage with the Cruel Beauty
of time and space cannot endure very long.
Death is a favor to us,
But our minds have lost their balance.
The miraculous existence and impermanence of
Always makes the illumined ones
Laugh and sing.
The subject tonight is love
And for tomorrow night as well,
As a matter of fact
I know of no better topic
For us to discuss
Until we all
Note—more sayings on the subject of «Death and Dying» can be found toward the bottom of this page,
and more poems of Hafiz via the bottom of this page.
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